JJM News &

January 7, 2025

JJM® President Talks Condensate Neutralization in Contracting Business

JJM® President Talks Condensate Neutralization in Contracting Business

Contracting Business offers HVACR professionals information on the latest products, industry news, trends and business strategies. In fact, roughly 200,000+ pros rely on the trade media outlet’s channels to elevate their business mastery and technical know-how.

Recently, JJM Alkaline Technologies’ President Kyle Emmons contributed an article to Contracting Business, “How HVAC Contractors Can Protect Structures from Acidic Condensate.” Here, Kyle explained that condensate neutralizers are the purpose-built solution to the acidic condensate issue; an often-overlooked problem that is a result of the condensing technology used in gas-fired, high-efficiency heating appliances. These game-changing innovations are more popular than ever, especially as homeowners look to achieve compliance with the Department of Energy’s new energy efficiency mandate, which will go into effect in late 2028.

Take 5-minutes to read Kyle’s full take here: https://www.contractingbusiness.com/service/article/55092963/how-hvac-contractors-can-prepare-for-the-new-gas-furnace-efficiency-standard?preview-mode=true&now=undefined